Got Stress??
Several years ago I was at a low point in my life. Newly divorced, recently moved, looking for a new job and career, and figuring out how to be a single mom of three—all of the major aspects of my life were in total upheaval. I was scared, lonely, stressed, and felt like I was just spinning my wheels. I lived in fear and felt like my life was out of my control.
Fast forward to today … with the spread of Covid-19 and in this uncertain time I imagine many of your lives are in upheaval, struggling with most if not all of the same feelings I was struggling with. Some feelings I’m sure are manageable but others may be overwhelming, leaving you feeling helpless and defeated.
However, I am excited for you! For us!
This virus is giving us an opportunity to wake up and grow. We just got thrown in the deep end, and we are going to learn to swim!
I don’t know how to swim!
Stress, overwhelm, fear, and loneliness are all fear-based patterns. They are unconscious. They are automatic. Like riding a bike—once you learn, you never forget, and you don’t even have to think about it. When these fear-based patterns become established, (from an early age) they take over and show up in spite of your best intentions, weighing you down until you have to expend all of your energy just to stay afloat.
How would I know this? I used to be stuck in them!!
Not too long ago I was looking for a way to escape my feelings of stress and overwhelm. I didn’t have a job, feared I would lose my house, didn’t know how I could be a good mother … you get it. I really felt like there was no way out. I was sinking fast! I felt like I had tried everything but nothing was working. Like life was in control of me instead of me being in control of my life.
Taking Back Control
Out of this desperation and helplessness I created a tool for myself. I had no intention of sharing it or teaching others, I just wanted to stop sinking and grab a gulp of fresh air. I developed this tool based on everything I had ever learned, both in my personal development and working with life coaches. I wanted a way to see the big picture, to be able to get through challenges on my own, without relying on help. A way to be independent and not have to rely on someone else when things got tough.
This tool helped me bring my elusive and often unconscious fears out in the open where they became tangible and I could see them for what they were. As a result of my awareness around these patterns my life began to transform.
There was nothing I had to do. I used to beat my head against the wall trying to “figure it out”, and now, just with this tool and simple awareness techniques, I didn’t have to do anything. My only task was to be aware. This radically shifted my entire life! I WOKE UP!!
I began to share this tool with family and friends. I noticed they were having their own shifts in perspective and “aha” moments. The role of life coach opened before me and I eagerly stepped onto the path. Prior to this tool, I had an amazing spiritual coach who was there when I needed help, but I didn’t want to always rely on this outside source whenever I was faced with a challenge. What I wanted was ultimately to work through my challenges on my own. Utilizing this tool, I learned to coach myself through my own transformation, and now I am teaching others to do the same—to become their own coaches!!
I now see fear as an opportunity to wake up and grow!
When you get thrown into the deep end ask yourself, “What is this situation showing me right now?” Ask, “What can I learn from this?” Embrace challenging situations and challenging people, they are often your greatest teachers.
Covid-19 and its effect on our society is an opportunity, if you let it be one. Normally, we don’t stop to think about our lives, we just run on autopilot, but now we are forced to stop and examine our lives more closely. The problems and issues that we have been sweeping under the rug are suddenly revealed in a bright spotlight, shouting for attention.
You can choose to ignore the spotlight and bury your head in the sand again at the first opportunity, or you can challenge yourself to take stock of your life and see if it is the one you really want… do you accept?
Challenge Accepted!
It’s hard at first to know when your subconscious has taken over. The patterns we develop over our lives run deep and are so easy to fall into. This is where a life coach can help.
I take those deep-down fear-based behavior patterns, bring them into awareness, and give you the choice to be run by them or to take back control. I teach you how to go through your day, week, month, with awareness so you learn to recognize if you are stuck in a subconscious pattern that could be wreaking havoc in your job, relationships, or your connection with kids, friends, and family. I educate you on the “red flag” messaging you can use to detect these patterns. Feelings of “I have no choice”, “I have to”, “I should” are all red flags. You may not feel like you have a choice, but the truth is, you do!
When you bring these fear-based parts of yourself to awareness you begin to create a conscious way of being. You begin to live on your own terms, instead of being controlled by life. When you are conscious you see that you do have choices!!
All it takes is one! Be the one to wake up and transform everything and everyone around you.