I Need a Hero!
When I typed “I need …” into my search bar this morning several things popped up, but the one that caught my eye was “I need a hero”. It kind of sums up everything we all want: help with rent, bills, anxiety, depression, career, family… in short, we want someone to save the day and rescue us. A lot of you out there have looked to others for help with your life struggles, and you might be wondering if a life coach can be your hero. I thought this was the perfect topic to address in my first blog, so let’s get started!
Can a life coach be your hero? The short answer is … no. To find out why, and more importantly, who CAN be your hero, read on!
What is a Life Coach?
There are many types of coaches, life, performance, business, divorce, relationship, spiritual etc. I am a Life Purpose Coach, meaning I help people live life from the inside out, but more importantly, I coach my clients to be their own life long coaches and excel in all of the above. My clients learn to access and manage their happiness, peace, joy, and pleasantness from within. Why is this important? Because it puts us in the driver’s seat of our life. Many of us have been raised to manage ourselves from the outside in. “When I graduate I will finally be happy!”, or “When I get that new job, I will be happy!” or “When I get that raise I will have peace!” or “When I get my new car, significant other, etc…” the list goes on and on. All of those things are wonderful, but they all require outside forces in order for you to be happy. Why? Well, what happens when that job goes away? What if your marriage of 10 years ends in divorce? Is losing your job going to affect how you feel? Will you lose your identity in divorce now that you are not “wife” or “husband”? If your sense of self is tied to these outside influences, your identity, sense of happiness, and sense of success are also tied to them.
When we tie our identities to something outside of ourselves, we give up all control, and life runs us instead of us running life. We are no longer in the driver’s seat but only a passenger. Life Purpose Coaching is a way to get back to the core of who you are, gain self-confidence and assuriety, and take back control. Through Life Purpose Coaching you can develop a deep knowledge of who you are and the ability to stay true to yourself in any situation, therefore putting you directly on the path to your personal and life purpose.
But I don’t need a Life Coach!
You can want a Life Coach, but no one needs a Life Coach.
I decided I wanted a Life Coach because after two failed marriages I did not want to go on repeating the same mistakes. Instead of attracting a knight in shining armor to rescue me, I wanted to attract a different type of man. I learned there was a cost to being rescued. My life was not my own. I was indebted to my knight and over time became resentful.
I wanted a LIfe Coach because I wanted to learn how to do things differently. I wanted to rescue myself. I knew deep down that if I could do that, it would swing the door wide open for true love to show up. Instead of asking, “Does he like me?”, I learned to ask, “Do I like him?” If I didn’t like something, instead of going along with it I learned to speak up and say, “No, that does not work for me”. I learned to do this in a loving, compassionate way. I learned that this would weed out what didn’t belong in my life faster, instead of putting up with things, making excuses and rationalizations, and finding myself in situations I had no business being in. My old way of being wasted a lot time in relationships, but my new way, although tough to do in the beginning, saved time and put amazing men who were the best fit for me on my path.
Before I participated in Life Coaching I was scared, overwhelmed, couldn’t sleep, and was literally losing my hair. After coaching I learned to manage myself. Although still scared, I learned not to let scared stop me. Instead of being ruled by my feelings of overwhelm, I began to notice when I became overwhelmed and started observing myself like an actor in a movie. I began, to say to myself, “Hmm, look what that situation made me feel like, that’s interesting! Is this how I want to feel? Is this going to help me?” I realized I had a choice in the matter, I could let being scared stop me or I could move forward. The fear didn’t go away, but when I became aware of it I could make conscious decisions and take control of my life. I decided to move forward and in doing so, I chose to tackle the goal that I thought was impossible… and at age 44 I went back to school to get my college degree. This one choice changed everything and put me on the path to my life purpose. In college, I met a professor who became my mentor and gave me my first coaching gig!
No one needs a Life Coach, but if you are tired of the direction your life is taking and feel powerless to change; if you want to radically shift your life, a fantastic life coach can most certainly help YOU do it!
Ok maybe I do need a Life Coach, why should I choose you?
What makes my coaching practice unique is that I have designed a revolutionary tool that helps people see their old subconscious behaviors and patterns. By bringing these behaviors and patterns into our awareness and moving forward with conscious intention, we can radically change how we behave.
The key to my coaching system is what I call the Map to MORE. The Map to MORE illustrates the three misguided principles that block you from your Personal and Life Purpose and the three guiding principles that lead you to discovering and strengthening your Personal and Life Purpose.
The Map to MORE is easy to understand, however the work required to follow it is challenging. Living by the principles outlined in the Map to MORE requires you to let go of your old ways of moving through the world. It requires an opening up and a relearning of everything you know to be true. In the Map to MORE you will learn the fundamentals of how your mind works unconsciously, operating without your knowledge, and the skills to override your unconscious in order to consciously move toward what you really want.
People who have worked with me have gone from:
- Divorce to back in love
- Unfulfilling jobs to passionate careers
- Neurological toxicity and immune deficiencies to a clean bill of health
- Feelings of stress and overwhelm to peace
- Feeling trapped and stuck to feeling freedom
- Feeling insecure to feeling self confident
You are going to fix all of my problems, right? And how long will that take?
I can’t fix your problems, however what I can do is guide you to another way of being with your problems. Instead of your problems running you and stressing you out, you can find a new way of maintaining your happiness, joy, and peace even when problems arise. I can help you develop the awareness, inner strength, and knowledge to manage whatever comes up in your life. My goal is not to teach you how to be dependent on me, but how to be dependent on you. I believe that there should be an endgame when it comes to coaching, and I ultimately want to teach you how to be your own Life Purpose Coach.
How long will that take? That’s up to you. There is no right or wrong timeframe. My clients who come in with a strong desire to make changes in their life and take consistent action repeatedly take off quickly. Others need more time to process. It’s up to you how fast or slow you go. Everyone has their own unique way of processing and implementing their sessions. You will develop at the speed that is best for you.
The Moral of the Story?
Have you guessed what the moral of the story is? It’s not hard to figure out. I’ll even bet you already know what I’m going to say.
“I need a hero”
A Life Coach can’t be your hero, but they can help you find one. The hero that has been there the whole time, right in front of you … yourself.